KarmaYoga Scale

Karma Yoga Scale

Answer the following from your Everyday experience

Everyday Experience – 1

Upcoming is a collection of statements about your day to day experience. Using the rating scale given, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be. Please treat each item separately from every other item.

Everyday Experience – 2

Next is the collection of statements reflecting thoughts about everyday experience in general. Use the given scale to indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. Similar to the instruction given with the previous section please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be.

Experience Related to Work – 1

Next is a collection of statements about your experience at workplace. Using the rating scale below, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please treat each item separately from every other item.  Similar to the previous section as advised, please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be.

Experience Related to Work – 2

Next is the collection of statements reflecting thoughts about your experience at work. Use the given scale to indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement.

1 / 45

I cannot stop myself from eating delicious and tempting but unhealthy food.

2 / 45

I find it difficult to resist my temptations (like eating, drinking, etc.).

3 / 45

I tend to buy fancy products even if they are of little use to me.

4 / 45

I spend too much money on things which are not useful to me.

5 / 45

It makes me angry if I don’t get to eat my favourite cuisines.

6 / 45

When it is impossible to fulfil my temptation, I keep thinking about it.

7 / 45

I am unable to remain focused on my work for a long time and get easily carried away by other things.

8 / 45

Various temptations keep coming to my mind while I am working.

9 / 45

I am easily distracted during my work.

10 / 45

I find it difficult to concentrate on my work.

11 / 45

Unfavourable incidents disturb me immensely.

12 / 45

Failure makes me feel pessimistic.

13 / 45

Failure disturbs me internally.

14 / 45

While in stress, I find it difficult to differentiate between right and wrong.

15 / 45

During tough times, I generally take rash decisions.

16 / 45

When in tension, I cannot give a careful thought to the situation.

17 / 45

I feel extremely frustrated If I do not achieve my work targets.

18 / 45

I feel frustrated even if it s a small failure at work.

19 / 45

When emotionally disturbed at work, generally I don’t make good decisions.

20 / 45

I am unable to think of alternatives, when I am under stress at work.

21 / 45

I find it difficult to look at the problem from different perspectives during stressful situations at work.

22 / 45

I see myself as a part of the natural system.

23 / 45

Whatever I do, I believe, has an impact on the larger social system.

24 / 45

I feel responsible towards the larger social system.

25 / 45

I feel that human beings, animals and trees are connected to each other.

26 / 45

I feel, all the living-beings in the nature are dependent on each other.

27 / 45

I see myself as a part of the larger social system.

28 / 45

I feel, my role in the society is a very essential part of my life.

29 / 45

I motivate my colleagues to take care of natural environment.

30 / 45

I try to convince my colleagues to become responsible towards nature and environment.

31 / 45

I try that my colleagues behave socially responsible.

32 / 45

I cherish the moments of results much more than the moments of efforts.

33 / 45

Desired results of my work are more important than efforts.

34 / 45

I insist on getting rewarded for my work at my desired time.

35 / 45

Getting credit of my work is extremely important for me.

36 / 45

When I do something well, I expect recognition from others.

37 / 45

While working, I keep thinking about what is in it for me.

38 / 45

I work only when I see that there is some personal benefit for me.

39 / 45

I cannot work, when I know that I will not get anything in return for myself.

40 / 45

When I am given a task, I first think about how I will benefit from it.

41 / 45

I experience joy in my work.

42 / 45

My spirit is energized by my work.

43 / 45

The work I do is connected with what I think is important in life.

44 / 45

My job helps me to understand my life’s purpose.

45 / 45

My work makes my life more meaningful.

The average score is 65%
